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Sekilas Tentang Penulis

Nama saya FADLI ASFAT biasa dipanggil EGA. Saya di lahirkan di Banjarnegara jawa tengah. sekolah di SDN 1 Parakancanggah, di lanjutkan ke SMP Muhammadiah Yogyakarta. lulus SMP saya lanjut ke SMA Muhammadiah Kasihan Bantul. Disini saya mendapatkan banyak sekali hal-hal yang tak terduga dan tentunya membanggakan, begitu pula sahabat-sahabat yg tak terlupakan. Impian dan juga cita-cita saya menjadi PENGUSAHA SUKSES di bidang IT dan tetap berada di jalan-NYA(amin).Berikut adalah kata-kata yg saya kutip dari Imam saya, yaitu Al-Habib Muhamad Effendi Al-Eydrus..Dari air ku belajar ketenangan..Dari batu ku belajar ketegaran..Dari tanah ku belajar kehidupan..Dari kupu2 ku bljr mengubah diri..Dari padi ku bljr rendah hati..Dari Allah ku bljr kasih sayang yg sempurna..Melihat ke atas: memperoleh semangat utk maju..Melihat ke bwh: bersyukur atas semua yg ada..Melihat kesamping: semangat kebersamaan..Melihat ke blkg: sebagai pengalaman berharga..Melihat ke dalam: instropeksi dan Melihat kedepan: utk mjd lebih baik..


GET THAT JOB :Interviews 5 (vocabulary check)

There are lots of expressions using the word 'career' that you might come across. The following nouns all make word partners with career. Match them with their meanings. 1. career plan – the direction you hope your career will take 2. career ladder – a series of promotions towards more senior positions 3. career break – time when you are not employed, perhaps when travelling...

GET THAT JOB :Interviews 4 (responding positively)

During the interview, always be positive about your previous experiences. Never offer negative information! Instead, sell yourself using active, positive words. In the exercise below, match words from the left to the right to make 'power phrases'. 1. showing – initiaves 2. presenting – information 3. solving – problems 4. controlling – budgets 5. achieving – objectives...

GET THAT JOB :Interviews 3 (FAQs)

It's always a good idea to try to predict what questions you will get asked in an interview and prepare some answers before you go in. Here are some examples of quite common interview questions. Match them with suitable responses. Use your mouse to drag the arrows to the correct options then click on 'check'. The correct answers will stay as they are. You will have to try the other ones again. 1....

GET THAT JOB :Interviews 2 (interview tips)

How you look and behave at an interview can sometimes be even more important than what you say! There are lots of things you can do to make a good impression on interviewers. Here are some tips relating to your appearance and body language. Make sure your clothes are clean, but don't wear obvious logos or designer names. Don't use too much deodorant or parfume! Don't wear too much jewellery....

GET THAT JOB :Interviews 1 (preparing for the interview)

Interviews can be nerve-wracking and preparation is very important. You will be better equipped to answer questions and you will walk in to the interview feeling more confident. Here are some tips for preparing for an interview. Read the text below and select the best option from the drop-down menu of words. If you have reached the interview stage, your CV and letter of application must have been...

GET THAT JOB :Convering letters 3 (style)

Look at the following tips for writing covering letters. For each one say if it's True or False1.       The letter should be as friendly and informal as possible. F. correct – your letter will have more authority if it has a formal one.2.       You should avoid slang and idiomatic language. T. correct – slang and idiomatic language might...

GET THAT JOB :Convering letters 2 (useful phrases)

Select the correct words in the boxes so that this covering letter is in good English.Top of FormDear Mr Saleh,I am writing to apply for the position of Editorial Assistant which was advertised in the latest edition of Gulf News.I am currently employed by a Market Research company as a research assistant, but am keen to pursue a career in publishing, because I enjoy reading and write my own poetry.As...