Look at the following tips for writing covering letters. For each one say if it's True or False
1. The letter should be as friendly and informal as possible. F. correct – your letter will have more authority if it has a formal one.
2. You should avoid slang and idiomatic language. T. correct – slang and idiomatic language might employers think you aren’t taking the job seriously.
3. Your sentence should be long and complex. F. correct – shorter, simple sentences are easier to read and will help keep people interested.
4. It is fine to use contracted forms (e.g. I’m, it’s)? F. correct – you should avoid contractions as they make the letter seem too informal
5. Emotive words (wonderful, great, terrible) should be avoided? T. correct – employers probably won’t take you so seriously if you use over-dramatic words
relaxed, friendly
very informal words and language
idiomatic language
language using groups of words which have a certain meaning that is different from the ordinary meaning of each individual word e.g. 'My boss bit my head off when I was late for work' (my boss was angry and told me off)
complicated, not simple
source : http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/
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